Patient Resources
New Patient Forms
Do you think you have Sleep Apnea?
Download and complete this short quiz to see if you may have sleep apnea. If you answer yes to 2 or more you may be at risk for sleep apnea. Please contact our office for a free sleep apnea consultation.
New Patient Online Registration
Complete the New Patient Registration forms online through our secure portal and save time at your first appointment.
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Download New Patient Registration Forms
You can also download/print the New Patient forms using the links below. Please bring your completed forms to your scheduled appointment.

General Cleaning & Care
Always clean your device in the morning. immediately after having removed it from your mouth.
After each use, rinse in cold or lukewarm, water and clean with a soft toothbrush and liquid soap. Then rinse well. Hot or boiling water will damage the device.
• Do not use toothpaste, as it contains abrasives, and may damage the device.
• Do not use mouthwash to clean the device, as doing so will cause the material in the devices to deteriorate and discolor.
• Do not use ultrasonic cleaning.
• Do not use organic solvents like ethanol, acetone etc. for cleaning.
• For SomnoMed Devices, do not expose your strap to denture cleansers for more than 30 minutes each week. SomnoMed recommends using SomTabs for 15 minutes twice a week.
Instructions for Use Download
Please call Dr. Cuartas immediately if you experience, or if your partner observes, the following:
Snoring loud enough to disturb your sleep or that of others
Waking up gasping or choking
Intermittent pauses in your breathing during sleep
Excessive daytime drowsiness, which may cause you to fall asleep while you’re working, watching television or even driving a vehicle
Many people may not think of snoring as a sign of something potentially serious. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you experience loud snoring, especially snoring that’s punctuated by periods of silence.

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What happens if I ignore my symptoms?
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) suggests that left untreated, Sleep Apnea can lead to:
Increased risk of Cancer, more than 4 times
Increased risk of stroke
High Blood Pressure
Higher rate of death due to heart disease
Heart Attacks
Diabetes due to impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance
Impaired concentration
Falling asleep at work or behind the wheel of your car
Mood changes
Gastric Reflux (GERD)
Increased risk of being involved in a deadly motor vehicle accident
Weight gain and the inability to lose weight
What exactly is Sleep Apnea?
Many of us have heard the term, used it in passing, but may not fully understand what Sleep Apnea actually means. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine defines Sleep Apnea as a “sleep-related breathing disorder that involves a decrease or complete halt in airflow despite an ongoing effort to breathe… It occurs when the muscles relax during sleep, causing the tongue and soft tissue in the back of the throat to collapse and block the upper airway.” In other words, as your body rests and you attempt to sleep, something is blocking your airway. That something in most cases is your tongue, but could also be a buildup of fatty tissue, excess weight or other problems. Whatever the reason, this blockage causes you to stop breathing up to 10-30 seconds at a time, and in some cases for 1 minute or longer.
What are Oral Appliances?
Oral appliances for the treatment of sleep apnea continue to increase in popularity as awareness grows amongst the public that oral appliances are an effective first line treatment for many sleep apnea sufferers. Over 100 different oral appliances are FDA approved for the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. These appliances are worn in the mouth, just like a sports mouth guard or an orthodontic appliance, while you sleep. Oral appliances hold the lower jaw forward just enough to keep the airway open and prevent the tongue and muscles in the upper airway from collapsing and blocking the airway. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has approved oral appliance therapy (OAT) as a first line treatment for patients diagnosed with mild to moderate OSA. The AASM also recommends oral appliances for patients with severe OSA, who are unable to tolerate or cannot wear CPAP devices. Another option for people with severe OSA is combination therapy (wearing CPAP and an oral appliance together) to help reduce the pressure on a CPAP machine, making it more comfortable to use.
What are Advantages of Oral Appliance Therapy?
Oral appliance therapy is an effective, non-invasive treatment that fits easily into your lifestyle. Patients like oral appliance therapy because it is:
Easy to wear
Convenient for travel
Easy to care for
What’s the difference between a Custom Made Oral Appliance and Boil and Bites?
Although there are a few over-the-counter appliances you can purchase at drug stores or even online, remember that these oral appliances are not FDA approved for sleep apnea. When not fitted properly over-the-counter appliances can cause unwanted side effects, such as jaw problems or tooth movement or can even have the opposite effect and inadvertently worsen sleep apnea.
If you snore or believe you have sleep apnea, contact our office to help schedule a sleep study to determine if you do have OSA. If it’s determined that an oral appliance is an option for you, it should be fitted by a dentist specially trained in Dental Sleep Medicine.